Clark Art Institute Fellowship 2022 USA

Clark Art Institute Fellowship 2022 USA

Clark Art Institute Fellowship is now open for international students from all around the globe, who mean to attempt the postdoctoral exploration at The Clark Art Institute USA for the scholarly year 2022. Clark art institute gives/provides somewhere in the range of 11 to 16 scholarships every year, and the duration is in between from 1 to 10 months, and also mass awarded for one academic semester.

International, national, critics, scholars, curators, and museum professionals are welcomed to propose projects that enhance and broaden the comprehension of visual arts and their role in culture.

The Clark Art Institute also combines a public art museum with a complicated set of research and also academic programs, including a significant art history library. Clark art institute is a global center for debate of the nature of art and its history also.

Summary Of Scholarship:

Institution(s) Clark Art Institute
Study Country USA
Level of Study Postdoctoral
Program Period Ranging in duration from one to ten months.
Deadline October 15, 2021

 Opportunity Focus Areas Of Clark Art Institue:

  • Visual culture.
  • History.
  • Interpretation.
  • Theory.

Scholarship Coverage:

Clark art institute fellowship is based on earnings and need, the maximum rate is up to $30,000 per semester. Fellow ‘tax responsibility to the government of the united states will be considered as per the duty guidelines of the internal revenue service depend upon the situation. Travel to and from the Clark art institute will be repaid for the researchers and a going with a relative.

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In a recently refurbished and expanded late-nineteenth-century house across the street from the Clark art campus, all the fellow provided an apartment. There are six apartments are available, and the range of bedrooms in these apartments is from 1 to 2, and there is also common space available.

All these apartments are fully furnished and also all apartments are linked with Clark art institute’s computer network.

Except for long-distance telephone, and accommodation and services will be provided by the Clark art institute. There are no pets allowed in the scholar’s residence area. Also, there is no permission for smoking inside the Clark art institute building.

A private office is provided to the fellows in the Manton research center, ad this office is accessible from 8 am to 11 pm (early closing times on weekends).

IT & computer support were also provided upon fellows’ request.

Clark Art Institute Fellowship Eligibility Criteria:

To be eligible for Clark Art Institute Fellowship, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Required Language: English
  • Eligible Countries: All world countries
  • They may come from the academic or museum worlds, or from other professional backgrounds.
  • Applicants should hold a Ph.D. or demonstrate equivalent professional experience.
  • They may be employed, full- or part-time, or be independent scholars, curators, and/or critics.
  • Excellent writing skills.
  • Excellent research skills: experience with independently carrying out empirical research, experience with qualitative research (conducting interviews, qualitative analysis), preferably also experience with quantitative research.

How to Apply for Clark Art Institute Fellowship?

Please follow the following instructions to avail of this fellowship:

  1. Fill out the application.
  2. Upload a description of your proposed project with 500 characters.
  3. Write down your referee’s information (please note they have to send a one-page letter for this email
  4. After clicking the ‘submit button please send the following requirements to
  • A curriculum vitae (pdf; 3 double-spaced pages or fewer).
  • A statement (pdf; 3 double-spaced pages or fewer) in English that outlines the assumptions and critical commitments that animate your project. It is important to situate the project within the context of existing research; to indicate what is new or unusual in both subject and/or method, and to explain why there is a disciplinary need for this particular project.
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To know more about Clark Art Institute Fellowship, please visit the official website:

Official Website

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